Category: News

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School Transformation Journey With Orascom Construction

We are happy with our partnership with Ahl Masr Foundation, an NGO dedicated to treating victims of burns and trauma to integrate three burn survivor kids into Educate Me foundation community schools.


“Designing the Future of Digital Learning” workshop.

We are happy with our partnership with Ahl Masr Foundation, an NGO dedicated to treating victims of burns and trauma to integrate three burn survivor kids into Educate Me foundation community schools.

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Ahl Masr Partnership

We are happy with our partnership with Ahl Masr Foundation, an NGO dedicated to treating victims of burns and trauma to integrate three burn survivor kids into Educate Me foundation community schools.


GIZ Partnership

Through our partnership with GIZ in two schools in Alex and Assiut governorates where GIZ equipped the schools with labs, Educate Me trained teachers and administrators on computer skills and applications to support development of the educational process and improve access to digital resources, like the Egyptian Knowledge Bank developed by the Ministry of Education.


Enhancing the Arabic literacy

It was an honor for Educate Me to participate in a workshop on enhancing Arabic Literacy, organized by Ministry of education and technical education and World Bank…

Activating the Role of Civil Society in Supporting Community Schools

Activating the Role of Civil Society

We are pleased to participate in the workshop ‘Activating the Role of Civil Society in Supporting Community Schools,’ in collaboration with the Ministry of Education…


Evidence-based supervision

In cooperation with the Education Development Center, Educate Me Foundation launched the pilot phase of the Evidence-Based Supervision Program…