Evidence Based Supervision – Educate Me

Evidence Based Supervision

Evidence-Based Supervision (EBS) is a program developed by Education Development Trust to train and develop English supervisors in supporting teachers’ professional growth. The EBS program aims to improve teaching quality and learning outcomes using evidence-based practices of what works.

Educate Me Foundation partnered with Education Development Trust (EDT), an international non-profit organization working to improve learning outcomes worldwide through evidence-based, sustainable programs, to bring this program to Egypt after its success in Jordan and Lebanon with over 700 supervisors.

Program objectives

Providing technical support to supervisors as they apply the program methodology with teachers

Achieving sustainability by measuring the impact resulting from the program and examining the possibility of expanding the program to a larger range of supervisors

Support the relationship between the mentor and the teacher.

Encourages the spread of best practices and provides supervisors with opportunities to support each other and identify solutions to any problems they face.










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